Sunday, January 2, 2011

we are one

What taught me to love this land, is the same thing the Indian's saw and experienced in the past. The Comanches, and the Apaches traveled though the area that I now call The Tow Head Valley BEE Ranch. The reasons the Indians were here are many, plenty of game for food, water to sustain life, excellent rock for spear points, beautiful country, and the ever present mostly peaceful nature all around. The pedarnales river is about a half mile away, there are spring fed creeks here that flow a short distance to the river, and the views from our place survey all 360 degrees of horizon, providing a good look out spot. We breath the same air, live in the same weather, we are more like the Indians than not. We each have different strengths, but beyond that the line blurs. I don't dwell to much on the past, but I recognize it's importance and the fact that I am connected to it. The Indians evidence is all around, you just have to know where to look. I have neighbors with arrow head collections, all found on places I've walked myself. The Indians left the traces of their presence hidden, but the first anglo settlers left behind relics of their past. Rusted pieces of their past attempts to tame the land. The indians flowed with the land and the anglo settlers wanted the land to bend to them. Only a compromise will win the day. Here in the 21st Century it is time to give the land it's due, and let it reveal to us what we need to know about it, and how it can help us. 
I wonder what the indians thought when they looked at the stars at night and saw the sky change with the seasons. I hold my iphone up to the sky at night turn on the pocket universe app, and I know to a degree what's up there. I can track the space station, watch the lunar eclipse, and the meteror showers, I can only imagine they just had to accept what was, just as we have to for things we don't know the answers to. 
Yes, we are one, you, me, the Indians, we are all one.

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