Friday, January 14, 2011

It’s a dogs life

I set about the days tasks with the obvious attention of our dog Jake. Jake is a young man of a dog, he is a Border collie mix that we got from a shelter about 2 ½ years ago. Mixed with what we’re not sure, but no doubt his parents were a beautiful pair. Jake is a regal dog, and he loves to run and play on the BEE Ranch. He can amuse himself for hours chasing things only he can see, splashing in the water, barking at bugs.  We should all learn a thing or two from this kind of freedom; it is a freedom that is essential to being who we are meant to be. A dog always lives his highest truth; that is all he can do. That is why we love dogs so much. Dogs are totally honest; they don’t know any other way. It’s easy to sort these things out, and feel in your heart what your dog is thinking when there is peace and quiet like you can find in the Hill Country. In the city Jake might be inclined to test the limits of his truth and do something he knows he shouldn’t, but on the BEE Ranch he knows exactly where every boundary is, he recognizes them, and he protects what is ours, that is his job. If you pay attention you can read a dog like a book.  Jake got stung once by a bee when he wandered too close to the hive. He doesn’t go back over there anymore. If he thinks there is something that needs to be checked out by the bee hive he’ll let you know about it, but he won’t go, he will send you. When Jake’s not playing he likes to find a cool spot and rest with one eye open--- seriously. Nobody is sneaking up on him or us! At the first hint of anything unusual or out of place, he’s on it, bark first, ask questions later. And when things settle down he’s out like a light, but with one eye open. I am convinced that if a ghost came on the scene Jake could see it. And pity the poor ghost that crossed Jake’s path, he could turn the ghost into dust with his barking alone. And be careful when good food is around, because living your highest truth as a dog means going for the good people chow at all cost! If you turn your back for a second you will pay. I’ve seen Jake scarf 10 of my precious meat balls in the blink of an eye, that is to say they were there one second and gone the next. If I saw anything it was only a blur, so fast I could not even utter a word, except shit when my brain realized what had just taken place. This is how we pass the time, man and dog, but really it’s a dog’s life.