Monday, January 24, 2011

truth or its consequences

Truth or its consequences
There is an ancient Hopi saying making the rounds on the internet today, or at least I just saw it today. I’m always late to the party on these kinds of things:
"When birds fall from the sky and the animals are dying, a new tribe of people ...shall come unto the earth from many colors, classes, creeds, who by their actions and deeds shall make the earth green again. they will be known as the warriors of the Rainbow." —Hopi Prophecy
I have not researched this quote to see if it is in fact from the Hopi Indians, but it sounds interesting. I’ve never thought of myself as any kind of warrior, but if the shoe fits...I am all for the idea of making the world a better place so birds don’t fall from the sky, birds are not supposed to fall from the sky. And I like the idea of making the earth green again. I’m just not so sure about the warrior part. When I think of a warrior I think of some angry dude with weapons ready to kick some ASS and draw blood. That is not me.  If I’m a warrior, its one that works on what they believe in and follows through and sees results from the efforts of their labor. Maybe the Hopi had a different meaning of the word warrior from what my American past taught me. I can imagine sitting around the barn cross legged on the floor at the BEE Ranch smoking the peace pipe chatting it up with the spirits of some Hopi elders. The conversation would go something like this:
Me: So what to you elders think we should do about the sorry state of our environment? I mean like all we have done for 200 years is take, take, take, from our mother earth?
Elders: Well son if you don’t get your ass in gear to start changing your peoples ways, you are definitely screwed and it will not be a good outcome.
Me: I’m working to make things better a little at a time, but I’m just one person.
Elders:  A warrior leads his tribe, you must lead your tribe, and we must go.
And that is where they left it, so I’m working on getting the message out.

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