Wednesday, February 29, 2012

spring is coming

It is February 29th and already feels like early spring. It's fun to write that, (February 29th), only happens every 4 years. I wonder if the bees know in their little bee world that this is a leap year. Bees know lots of stuff, but I don't know if leap year is one of them. Bees are intriguing little creatures, and there are lot of things I like about bees, so I'll list a few of them here. Bees are industrious, (busy as a bee)(beehive of activity), they can stir things up, (bee in your bonnet), they are attractive, (bees knees), and on and on.
Bees mirror our human society in many ways and in many ways they exceed ours. We can learn some lessons from bees, and lots of other places in nature too, all we have to do is open our eyes , be quiet, and listen. I have learned a lot from the bees, bees are survivors. My bees have survived the record drought in central Texas, and will be rewarded soon with a bountiful wild flower crop- they deserve it. I hope I can continue to provide the support they deserve. And after all of their hard work they provide us with their honey. We bee keepers have to be careful to leave behind enough honey for the bees. I didn't harvest last year because of the drought, maybe this year will be better. I have heard that unpasturized honey won't spoil. Theoretically it will last indefinately if stored right. That's one theory I may not get to test. This year I'm going to try my hand at making Mead (honey wine). I tasted some a friend made recently and was very impressed. So come on spring, let's get to work, I'm going to be thirsty in about a year and a half.